Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Information overload

Here are a few other Resto Druid guides:
WoW-pro Guide
The Daily Druid

I have a few issues with the recomended builds from these guys. Jiyambi does a good job discussing the differences in his builds, so that helps some. The recomended build from the daily druid is basically the improved tranquility build, without tranquil spirit. It also has 2 points in Improved Healing Touch, which I just don't inderstand. Anyway, there is mroe information there for your perusal.
Here is the basic framework for restoration build Resto Build via wowhead.

At this point you have 16 points left (at level 80) and some decisions to make. In the 3.1 patch, mana regeneration is going to change a lot. It will no longer be realistic to simply use Lifebloom 75% of the time.

The changes that are helpful include:
Revitalize uses BOTH rejuvenation AND wild growth and has had its mana/energy/rage/runic power level increased. This is a very useful replenishment skill. Also, since regen will be an issue - this talent is probably mandatory.
Since druids will be forced to use both heal-over-time and direct heal spells, additional consideration should be paid to spell crit 5. There are a few talents that work together for crit:
  • Natural Perfection increases crit chance by 1% per point (up to 3%)
  • Living Seed puts a seed on a target when they get a crit heal. This seed will bloom for 30% of the original heal, the next time that person takes damage. It is a smart, passive heal. Yes, please!
  • Nature's Grace (in the Balance talent tree) gives a casting speed increase after any spell crit.

I like this build and will be starting 3.1 with it: Crit build 3.1

There are a few other possibilities. Most of the changes are fairly subtle. Some folks will drop some restoration talents to get some additional balance talents. I think going too far down this road is really more Hybrid than Resto - so I will not really go into those specs here.

One spec choice I have heard discussed (and generally dismissed) is the Healing Touch spec. In this spec, you will be minimizing HT mana cost, shortening the HT cast-time, and boosting the healing bonus of HT. Overall this makes you a priest spamming greater heal, or a paladin spamming holy light. The big problem is that it is not efficient enough for raiding. Perhaps for 5 mans, or an occassional 10 man. But in 25 man content, it is not justified to bring that spec. Also, with the proper set-up, keeping HoTs up, using Regrowth and Nourish appropriately are more effective.

Basic Healing Guide - Resto Druid - 3.1 - Intro

Well - this is a super ambitious. There is a load of information to cover. Spec, gear, spell selection . . . Firstly, I'd like to provide some web links right at the beginning. From these sites I get most of my information.

Elitist Jerks

WoW Insider

Plus Heal Forums


From those sites you will find links to dozens of other great sites and loads of theroycrafting.

I will be covering 4 areas in this guide: spec, gear (including enchants and gems), spell selection and everything else. I will cover them in 4 seperate areas to make quick-reference that much easier.